The Shingles Creator

Last Updated: 01-11-2025

Your body isn’t out to hurt you. It is an intelligence system that wants nothing but the best for you no matter how you treat it. Give your body a little bit more credit than it being a broken down machine. I believe that illness is a feedback mechanism that lets us know when something is emotionally bothering us under the surface; that we may or may not be conscious of. Are there physical factors involved in illness? YES! Can studies and evidence-based medicine be the only pieces of the puzzle that matter? I don’t believe this to be true. Gather as much information as you can physically, emotionally and spiritually before making any decisions involving your body. Be your best advocate.

With Love, Rachel Reimer

An Illustration of thE Shingles Creator

The Shingles Creator belief: “My body is useless.”

As a last resort to handling an interpersonal coflict, the thought emerges with “my body should be able to save me”. When the body isn’t able to assist in the resolution to the interpersonal conflict, the next thought that appears is “My body is useless.” (Underlying codependence = I am unloveable) (Unhealthy relationship with self = I am a slave to my body.)

Examples when the emotional/irrational part of someone may believe that their body would save them:

  1. Romantic relationship: “If I was more attractive, dressed a certain way, performed physically in a certain way, my partner would love me.”

  2. Work/Career: “If my body could do more, my boss would love me.”

  3. Family: “If I can be in several places at once, I could hav everyone love me.”/ “If I am losing my ability to function/do daily activities, my family member won’t love me.”

  4. Self: I can’t do what I want to do anymore. The vehicle (body) to get me from one place to another is broken/useless. I don’t love myself if I am stopping myself from living my life.

  5. Spirituality: My calling relies on my body functioning a certain way. If I don’t do this calling, God/My Creator won’t love me.

Therapeutic Considerations

The word “creator” is used very intentionally. If an individual can live out the illustration of the Shingles Creator can be used over and over again, it is CREATED. Here are questions that I encourage you to journal about and/or discuss with your counselor.

*Do not sit and think about these questions. Get the thoughts out of your body through writing or speech. A true, unbiased, analysis of oneself can not happen within just the contents of one’s own mind.

  1. Do I want my romantic relationship partner to love me because my body isn’t useless?

  2. Does the emotinla/irrational version of me view that my body and soul are the exact same thing? (If my body is useless, my soul is useless. When I go to an afterlife, I am useless.)

  3. Will my romantic relationship partner love me at my core (soul) if they don’t like the way my body functions? (If they don’t, have you been letting them use your body selfishly? If so, do you want to allow them to continue to do this? Is your value tied to your body/what you can give to others?

If you would like to talk to someone that is familiar with emotional stress and how it may impact specific parts of the body, you can book a session with Rachel Reimer here:

*The content on this post is based off of opinion and/or observation and is for entertainment purposes only.