The Vertigo Creator

Last Updated: 01-14-24

Your body isn’t out to hurt you. It is an intelligence system that wants nothing but the best for you no matter how you treat it. Give your body a little bit more credit than it being a broken down machine. I believe that illness is a feedback mechanism that lets us know when something is emotionally bothering us under the surface; that we may or may not be conscious of. Are there physical factors involved in illness? YES! Can studies and evidence-based medicine be the only pieces of the puzzle that matter? I don’t believe this to be true. Gather as much information as you can physically, emotionally and spiritually before making any decisions involving your body. Be your best advocate.

With Love, Rachel Reimer

What is Peripheral Vertigo/Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)/Ménière’s Disease?

An Illustration of the Peripheral Vertigo/Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)/Ménière’s Disease Creator

*This article does not discuss central vertigo

Peripheral Vertigo/Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV):

The belief: “My partner is “unusable”. Therefore, I don’t have anyone to keep my self-esteem in-line/in-balance.”

Imagine being with a significant other that you are mesmerized by and absolutely adore. Now imagine that they are permanently covered in glitter glue. How difficult would it be to have a relationship with this person? Would you like your significant other to sit in the passenger seat of your car like this? What would sleeping next to someone covered in glitter glue feel like? Do you like the idea of explaining why your partner is covered in glitter glue each time you meet someone new?

The Vertigo Creator feels incredibly sad having an “unusable" partner to keep their self-esteem in-line/in-balance.

Ménière’s Disease:

The belief: “I have unexpressed sorrow that something left me before it was supposed to.”

A mother puts down her baby for a nap. An hour later, she checks on the baby, and realized the baby was not breathing and passed away. The mother felt an enormous amount of grief and asked herself, “How can my soul go on?” She felt as though the baby was yanked or taken away from her before she was ready for her baby to go. When asked how she was coping with the loss, she exclaimed, “Babies shouldn’t die! It isn’t their time yet!”

Therapeutic Considerations

The word “creator” is used very intentionally. If an individual can live out the illustration of The Vertigo Creator over and over again, it is CREATED. Here are questions that I encourage you to journal about and/or discuss with your counselor.

*Do not sit and think about these questions. Get the thoughts out of your body through writing or speech. A true, unbiased, analysis of oneself can not happen within just the contents of one’s own mind.

Peripheral Vertigo/Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV):

  1. How are you mesmerized by your significant other? Do you FEEL like you need them to be happy or to survive?

  2. Why does it FEEL like your partner is permanently gone on an emotional level? How have they been avoiding you or your feelings? How do you know how long they will be emotionally absent?

  3. Why did you choose to be in a relationship with someone that avoids their own feelings? Does it feel like it was this person or no person? Someone who avoids your feelings is better than no one?

  4. Does it feel possible to enjoy your partner without using them? (Using them= getting a high/hit from compliments to increase your self-esteem.)

Ménière’s Disease :

  1. What item/person/experience that you loved “left early”?

  2. Why do you FEEL like you need this item/person/experience to feel okay?

  3. What timeline expectation did you put on this item/person/experience? Did this item/person/experience ever explicitly promise you how long it/they would stay?

  4. What do you regret with the time you spent with this item/person/experience that you loved?

  5. Does it feel like “Father Time” is out to get you? How were you unable to see “Father Time”? Did you want to see “Father Time”?

  6. How do you feel like you made this item/person/experience that you loved “leave early”? Is that something that you have control over or God/Higher Power?

  7. Do you believe that God/Higher Power allows items/person/experiences to “leave early”?

  8. How does moving on from this item/person/experience feel like a betrayal towards its/their legacy?

  9. When this item/person/experience “left early” have you expressed sorrow?

    *Sorrow =Howl stemming from the bottom of the intestines →through the stomach → through the lungs until the lungs release all of their heat.

  10. Would the item/person/experience that “left early”, think that I am coping in a manner that helps me heal and rebuild my life?

  11. How did you feel before this item/person/experience came into your life?

If you would like to talk to someone that is familiar with emotional stress and how it may impact specific parts of the body, you can book a session with Rachel Reimer here:

*The content on this post is based off of opinion and/or observation and is for entertainment purposes only.