The Vitiligo Creator
Last Updated: 12-13-2023
Your body isn’t out to hurt you. It is an intelligence system that wants nothing but the best for you no matter how you treat it. Give your body a little bit more credit than it being a broken down machine. I believe that illness is a feedback mechanism that lets us know when something is emotionally bothering us under the surface; that we may or may not be conscious of. Are there physical factors involved in illness? YES! Can studies and evidence-based medicine be the only pieces of the puzzle that matter? I don’t believe this to be true. Gather as much information as you can physically, emotionally and spiritually before making any decisions involving your body. Be your best advocate.
With Love, Rachel Reimer
An Illustration of the Vitiligo Creator
The Vitiligo Creator feels like a hunted, wild, animal. They have been raised with this idea that they are invasive and destructive like wild hogs. There is no point to their existence. At some point, early in childhood, the hunter/hunters will try to shoot and kill them. A kill-shot was missed and the wild hog ran away. However, a bullet did get lodged deep within its tissue. It will slowly poison the hog from the inside out.
Therapeutic Considerations
The word “creator” is used very intentionally. If an individual can live out the illustration of The Vitiligo Creator over and over again, it is CREATED. Here are questions that I encourage you to journal about and/or discuss with your counselor.
*Do not sit and think about these questions. Get the thoughts out of your body through writing or speech. A true, unbiased, analysis of oneself can not happen within just the contents of one’s own mind.
Who was your “hunter” growing up?
In your family of origin, how were you considered to be “invasive” and “destructive”?
What “bullet” is still inside of you from the “hunter”?
To remove the “bullet”, what can YOU do? *This can be tricky for some. Below, are examples of thoughts that will prevent healing.
A. “I shouldn’t have been shot in the first place.”
B. “I need to cut them out of my life.” (Cutting them out of your life won’t remove the bullet.)
C. “It’s their job to take the bullet out.”
D. “I didn’t deserve the bullet in the first place.”
How can YOU forgive someone that has “shot” you? (Forgiveness doesn’t mean that the other person’s behavior is okay/justified. Focus more on the idea of where their beliefs came from. Forgiveness = neutral. As neutral as you looking out the window and seeing a random tree or rock. It is just there. The tree or rock is not good or bad. It just exists.)
Would every set of parents in the world believe that you were/are a “wild hog”?
When other people can see that you have been “poisoned”, how does that make your ego (the voice in your head) feel?
Do you still feel the need to punish/be resentful at the “hunter”? In general, are “hunters” evil? Are people that hunt deer, elk, and rabbits evil people? What makes someone evil? Does God/Higher Power/Source create evil people? If God/Higher Power/Source does create evil people, do they do it intentionally?
Have you ever been a “hunter” and have tried to destroy someone or an idea that you felt was “invasive” and/or “destructive”?
If you would like to talk to someone that is familiar with emotional stress and how it may impact specific parts of the body, you can book a session with Rachel Reimer here:
*The content on this post is based off of opinion and/or observation and is for entertainment purposes only.